The British Province in El Salvador Part 1

Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation: British Province of Carmelites

Carmel and Oscar Romero


On 24th March 1980 the Archbishop of San Salvador in the central American nation of El Salvador, Monseñor Oscar Romero, was shot dead whilst celebrating Mass. He was martyred because of his outspoken Gospel defence of the poor, and his calling for peace during the civil war then dividing the nation. For millions of Christians, Oscar Romero is an authentic witness to the Good News of God’s Reign, and Carmelites are among those praying for his beatification by the Church. To many he is the «patron saint» in waiting of justice, peace, and the integrity of Creation.

A number of Carmelites, both religious and lay, are involved in remembering the message of Oscar Romero, and working amongst the poor in El Salvador. Oscar Romero is linked to the Carmelite Family in a number of ways:

  • He lived his final months alongside the Carmelite Sisters who run a cancer hospice in San Salvador, and died whilst celebrating Mass in their chapel.
  • He died wearing the Carmelite Brown Scapular, and spoke on various occasions about its deep significance.
  • He visited parishes served by Carmelites who continue his legacy.
  • Carmelites in Britain are involved in the Archbishop Romero Trust.
  • Carmelites from Britain and elsewhere have made pilgrimages in memory of Monseñor and other martyrs of El Salvador.
  • Carmelites take part in «Romero Week» (beginning 24th March) each year, organising various commemorations.
  • The Prior General has spoken of Romero’s legacy inspiring Carmelites.


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